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We (I), as members (a member) of humanity, men and women who are born free regardless of age, belief, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race or skin color, promise to stand strong and tall with honor and pride respecting all life, in any form, anywhere, and give fair treatment to all, to protect the ideals of Freedom, Justice and Liberty and take this oath to oppose corruption, greed, oppression, tyranny in all their forms.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fighting Terror with Terror

For decades now, the military junta of Burma has used force, terror and violence to oppress the people and keep their iron grip on the country. However with the recent disaster of Cyclone Nargis and last year's crackdown on monks and peaceful protesters the world has seen how cruel and inhuman the junta is.

Peaceful diplomatic means, economical sanctions, etc have been tried and the junta still isn't budging.

So is it time to use force, terror and violence (the same tools that the junta has been using for the past few decades) against them?

The junta kills civilians so should we go after their children, relatives, cronies who are living overseas. For example many Burmese ambassadors (for example the Ambassador in Geneva, Switzerland) posted in the junta's various embassies are from the military and not the civil staff that it once was. So should we take these people from the military out, similar to the way the Israeli government punished those responsible for the murder of several Jewish athletes during the Olympic Games in Munich, 1972?

Should the international community call for a Jihad against these inhuman mass murderers?

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