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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The United Nations of today and the now disfunct League of Nations

The League of Nations was founded on the aftermath of World War I while The United Nations was founded on the aftermath of World War II. Both organizations were founded as a means to prevent another world war, the League of Nations failed in this aspect. Neither the League or the UN do not have their own armed forces, instead they have to depend on the military of the member states and the sternest punishment they could give to a member which has violated international laws and treaties was economic sanctions which member states are often reluctant to do. Not to mention the fact that even if economic sanctions were placed, member states who did not support the sanctions could still deal with the punished nation.

Though both organizations were created with the intention of protecting the interests of the world as a whole, more often than not, member nations prioritized their national interests above the interests of the world. Many times both organizations have closed their eyes to transgressions of powerful member states or member states backed by powerful ones in the name of ‘world peace’ leading to many failures to act in accordance with their charters.

With the recent devastation in Burma after cyclone Nargis tore through an important part of the country the UN is failing to act efficiently and effectively, similar to the way the League of Nations failed to act against Nazi Germany and fascist Italy and Japan.

*article in edit*

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